Zoë Anderson, Luke Dixon, Scott Hall, Adam Hogarth, Irena Krizman, Padraig Lynch, Becky Rhodes, Sebastian Trend
30 April – 9 May 2009
‘Score’, 2009, installation view
‘Score’ consists of print work by students, graduate fellows, Graduate Studio Northumbria artists and staff from the Fine Art department at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne.
‘Score’, 2009, (left) Sebastian Trend, (centre) Padraig Lynch, (right) Irena Krizman, installation view
‘Score’, 2009, installation view
Zoë Anderson documents the information overload we receive from the internet and how we process and absorb what we view. Luke Dixon makes portraits that represent both the physical and the metaphorical, creating large-scale physiological depictions of people’s moods, imagined resemblances and idiosyncrasies. Padraig Lynch provides a social commentary on the darker side of human activity, namely addiction and violence. Scott Hall is interested in the relationship between the production and deletion of information over time. Adam Hogarth deals with the notions of family and autobiography using photographs – be they either collected, taken as a child or stolen by the artist. Irena Krizman builds multi-layered images that represent space as a series of fragile and fragmented tracings. Becky Rhodes seeks to locate an authentic female being: self-defined, pre-verbal and unapologetic, a re-imagining of woman in her primitive state. Sebastian Trend is interested in the concept of change, permanence and impermanence, questioning how one holds on to the transitory. Daniel Wilde playfully combines contrasting architectural periods and styles – ancient and modern, domestic and retail – to interrogate concepts of functionality, and our relationship with public and private space.
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