Experimental Drawing Workshop with Alfons Bytautas
Alfons Bytautas, untitled drawing, 2018, ink on paper
Wednesday 27 June 2018, 1-5pm
Inspired by innovative teaching methods, this workshop will explore the basics of drawing through enquiry and experiment. Beginning with a discussion on techniques and materials, the session will give the opportunity to experiment using games or exercises designed to develop skills and encourage visual thinking. Also, using the printmaking facilities at Incubate Experimental Printmaking, there will be an opportunity to apply these techniques to the making of monoprints.
This workshop might not change your life but it will change the way you think about drawing!
The class is taught by Alfons Bytautas, a practicing painter and printmaker, living and working in Newcastle upon Tyne. He is a member of the Royal Scottish Academy and is currently Principal Technician at Northumbria University’s Fine Art Department. He led pioneering research at Edinburgh Printmakers where he worked for thirty years as master printer. He has directed numerous teaching workshops demonstrating these methods throughout the UK and in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Japan.
The afternoon will also afford the opportunity to view The Jerwood Drawing Prize 2017 at Vane, the largest and longest running annual open exhibition for drawing in the UK.
Incubate Experimental Printmaking is a recently established collaborative printmaking workshop, located next door to Vane in Commercial Union House, Newcastle upon Tyne, designed to support artistic development, one-to-one technical tuition, and group classes. By providing facilities, technical support and expert advice, Incubate encourages its users to experiment in the development of their art practice, by learning new techniques and testing out ideas. Incubate is run by printmaker and artist Nick Christie.
Incubate Experimental Printmaking
First Floor, Commercial Union House
39 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne
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