1-31 October 1998
Bani Adibi, Kevin Anderson, Henna Asikainen, Tanya Axford, BANK, Janie Banks, Daniel Bartlett, Clare Barton-Harvey, Steve Baxter, Catherine Bertola, Matthew Blackman, Martin Blaszk, Virginia Bodman, Richard Broderick, Anne Bromley, Ian Broscomb, Irene Brown, Sarah Burn, Nina Byrne, Cath Campbell, Nick Cass, Coss Chapman, Rupert Clamp, Moira Conway, Patricia Cope, Jo Coupe, Gordon Dalton, Decima Gallery, Jennifer Douglas, Brenda Drew, Monika Dutta, David Dye, Fahima, Dave Fletcher, Rose Frain, George French, Natalie Frost, Tina Gharavi, Amanda Gockman, David Gourd, Antoinette Hächler, David Hair, William Heard, Gail Henderson, George Heslop, John Terence Hewitt, Richard Higlett, Joe Hillier, Emily Hines, Bernadette Hobby, Thomas Humphreys, Douglas Hunter, Matthew Jones, Simon Jones, Brigitte Jurrack, Sharron Lea-Owens, Elizabeth LeMoine, YY Liew, Charlotte Lilley, Damian Llambias, Silvana Macêdo, Sally Madge, Bob Malpiedi, Andrew McDermott, Andrew McDonald, Harriet McDougall, Conor McGrady, Tom Moore, Paul Moss, Laura Mosquera, Wendy Murray, Rebecca Nanson, Gillian Nicol, Angela Nunn, Fiona O’Connor, John O’Rourke, Bernadette O’Toole, Stephen Palmer, Dave Pearson, Maeve Polkinhorn, David Price, Emma Pritchard, Topsy Qur’et, Anna Reed, Ali Rhind, JV Roberts, Colin Robson, Gilly Rogers, Andrea Ronan, Anita Sandle, Graham Seaman, Sonya Shah, Andrew Sheridan, Helen Smith, Terry Smith, Adam Soulsby, Matt Stokes, Paul Stone, Karen Summers, Ricardo Villasana, Kathryn Wakeman, Rebecca Wallis, Laurence Ward, Andrew Warterhouse, Karen White, Tony Wiles, Claire Wiltshire, Rolf Wojciechowski, Joe Woodhouse, Christopher Yeats, Martin Young, Marco Zaffino
‘Vane98’ consisted of almost fifty exhibitions featuring the work of over 100 artists spread across the city of Newcastle with projects also presented in Gateshead, North and South Tyneside. As well as employing similar types of venue as were used for ‘Vane97’, exhibitions also took place in churches, cafés and restaurants, a Metro station, hospitals, a library as well as at various outdoor locations.
Gordon Dalton, Everything Beautiful is Far Away, ‘Strange’, group exhibition, ‘Vane98’, Cross House, Newcastle
Simon Jones and Andrew McDermott, ‘Tunnel’, installation, ‘Vane98’, Orchard Street tunnel, Newcastle
Julia Darling gives a writer’s response to the work in ‘Vane98’
Louise Wirz gives a curator’s opinion on ‘Vane98’
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